Flexible Working Post-Pandemic

19th May 2022

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Jose Castro, Director of Soben LATAM, looks at the different approaches to work on offer since the pandemic washed up on our shores…

Over the past two years, millions of people and organisations from across the globe were forced into a new way of working with many having to perform their job remotely for the first time. The global pandemic subsequently gave workers the opportunity to do something that their employers would not allow them to do, work from the comfort of their own home.

These remote working models were not the product of measured strategic planning, but a knee jerk reaction quickly pieced together when disaster struck. Some organisations that were forced into remote work addressed long term isolation and possible mental-health issues better than others by quickly realising the uncertainty of how their staff would respond to this kind of working environment.

Working from home offers a great level of flexibility to the individual with a better work-life balance, and a unique employee experience. However, full time working from home may not be for everyone, and some workers have adopted a hybrid approach which better suits their lifestyle.

Even before the pandemic hit us, there was already a general inclination towards more flexibility and a better work-life balance. I have personally seen many organisations try different approaches to get the work-life balance right for their staff including unlimited holidays, four day working weeks, work when and where you want policies, and so on.

These are all great initiatives; however, we need to recognise that we are all different. Why cannot workers find their own balance, and perform their roles and responsibilities on their own terms and conditions?

At Soben, we see this as an opportunity, and take pride in trying to create a culture based on flexibility, ownership, accountability, and being results-oriented.

Soben believes the ‘normal’ way of working is archaic and not in touch with modern life as we know it. We do not need to be in an office to do our work and Soben LATAM has implemented a remote first and flexible working policy. We recognise that one size does not fit all and trust our people to find their own balance in terms of productivity and personal life.

There is no doubt that the pandemic has changed the way we work, and the mindset of workers who might be looking to move into a new role. Flexible working can no longer be labelled as a luxury or desirable item within a job description and is now a particularly important consideration for post-pandemic job seekers.

To keep up with fast-moving technology and meet the changing labour demands of our employees we must continue to challenge the status quo and explore new ways of attracting and satisfying the next generation of talent.
